The shipping cost for Italy is €8.50 via EXPRESS COURIER. Shipping is trackable.

Shipments to Italy, San Marino, and Vatican City are handled by UPS or BRT couriers.

The speed of our deliveries relies on the reliability of our Express Courier. Our service guarantees delivery throughout Italy within 24 to a maximum of 48 hours from the moment of dispatch.

Shipments and deliveries are carried out on business days only. The delivery day depends on the destination and the ordered goods. The time required for product preparation may take up to 4 business days from the confirmation of payment.

The integrity of the product is ensured by meticulous care in the preparation of each package. However, if the package appears damaged upon delivery, please do not accept it and write “damaged package” on the document the courier asks you to sign.

Packages shipped to countries within the European Union do not contain invoices or any other documentation indicating the value of the goods.
All shipments to countries outside the European Union are accompanied by an official invoice declaring the value of each item, as required by customs procedures.

Sartoriale Srls is not responsible for losses, delays, or non-delivery caused by third-party errors.

Any additional costs, storage fees, or return expenses required for redelivery of the shipped goods are the responsibility of the recipient/purchaser.